Link to document:

Thank you to all those who attended the Referee Training on Saturday 11th February, it's been a long time since we've held any form of training and so we are keen to carry on all the hard work and time that the late Sensei Ken Davies put into this. This was very much his project and he carried it out effortlessly with care and diligence and was always on the end of the phone to answer any questions. We know we have lost a lot of knowledge and experience, but we are lucky that we have most experienced International Senior Referee in Sensei Paul Mead, who is SKIEF A Grade for Kata and Kumite and who will be resitting his Referee Examinations this year and Sensei Pasq who will also undergo the SKIEF Referee Examination in 2023, so we are all in good hands and between them both they will be well equipped to help steer, train, educate and raise the standards of Referees in the UK.


Please find attached the latest version of the SKIEF Competition Rules, Sensei Pasq has asked me to bring Appendix V11 to your attention for both Shushin (Main Referee) and Fukushin (Corner Judge) Gestures - Page 36-41 of the Document. Please can you re-familiarise yourself with these and the terminology and ensure that you are regularly practicing so that you are more confident come Tournaments.


We are looking at the Referees Grading/Examination System internally and the work that Ken has already done and we will work along the same Guidelines as SKIEF, so we will circulate this information around once we have finalised the updated framework and how we want to roll this out to our Referees/Judges/Officials.


We are looking to hold another Referee Training in the coming months and will share this date with you all once we have finalised a date. If there are any students in your club who have expressed an interest in the training then please let us know and we can speak to them.


Should you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us.




i: skifgb
fb: @SKIGreatBritain
t: @skifgb

Shotokan Karate International Federation Competition Rules