I hope that this email finds you and your family in good health, It is nice to be in touch with some brighter news as the UK Restrictions ease a little, and we move into Step Three of the Governments Roadmap.


As of today Adults (18 Years +) Can return to the Dojo for Training, which is fantastic news and we know they'll be many students keen to get back in their Dogi's and training indoors. The other significant change is that there will no longer be any restrictions on class size, other than the normal risk of Instructor to Student ratios. Prior to today there was a maximum number of 15 students per class for students under 18, as set out by the DFE.


Class Sizes:

Whilst the maximum number of students per class is no longer restricted, we DO still need to ensure that each student is afforded 100 cubic feet of space. This is also going to vary on each club, as it all depends on the size of your hall, so we advise that you seek clarity from your facility provider on capacity numbers, and then you will need to take into account both your class participants and spectators. We would always recommend that Students come first and wherever possible you allow students to train, as opposed to having a number of spectators in the room watching, taking up spaces that could be used for someone to benefit from and train.

There are obviously special circumstances i.e. Children aged 4-7 Years - we ask that parents/guardian stay for the duration of the class in case the child needs the toilet or becomes distressed - Instructors/Coaches should not be taking children to the toilet or trying to console them if they become distressed this is a parent responsibility not an instructors.Also for any vulnerable adults or students who may suffer with learning disabilities etc. Again parent's/guardians are asked to stay and spectate in case the student becomes anxious or distressed.


Temperature Checks & Screening:

We still must be undertaking Temperature Checks and Screening for all students training, this is vitally important that we remain doing this for Test and Trace. We advise all students and families not to attend training if they show any signs of Covid and to seek medical assistance and get tested. If any student does test positive then they must advise their club Instructor or COVID Officer - who then must let myself know in the Federation just so that we are aware of it. It isn't a blame game - these things happen but hopefully with the Vaccines etc, this will be significantly reduced, as long as people take responsibility and keep others safe.


Face Masks & Footwear:

Face masks are to be worn when entering or leaving the Dojo, it is the instructors responsibility to ensure that all students, parents & spectators follow this rule. Once training commences then Instructors and Students are not required to train/instruct wearing them. The use of footwear is no longer required for training.


Socialising at Training:

Socialising and communicating with fellow members within the Dojo and facility is to be discouraged at this time.


Under 18 Year Students:

Nothing has changed since the 12th April, when students under 18 years returned to indoor training, there are currently no restrictions in place and so students can undertake - partner work, training Drills, Kumite, and full use of equipment.


18 Years + Students:

Training for Adults will now resume indoors, BUT Social Distancing (2 metres) must be enforced, the use of Focus, Drills and Pad Work is allowed but no contact training or partner work with any adults is allowed. So an adult can hold a focus pad for another adult, but they cannot do partner work together where contact is made.

If you have a class where Students under the age of 18 and Adults (18 years +) mix then social distancing for the under 18's will ned to come into effect - just to be clear, leave a two meter space between the under 18's and the over 18's to ensure that they're is good social distancing. Students who are under 18 years do not need to social distance in classes, but they will need to stay 2 meters apart when training from anyone who is over 18 years - Confusing a little but let's all work with it!



Spectators are allowed in the Dojo, however they must:

  1. Remain Seated and wear a mask at all times
  2. Social Distancing Rules are in place at all times whilst in the Dojo.


Competitions are still not permitted for any aged student.


I will continue toupdateyou all as and when there are any significant changes to share. There are many positives to take from the latest changes, and the most important thing is that students both Junior and Senior are allowed back in the Dojo, an we are slowly moving in the right direction. Instructors please ensure that you are maintaining a high standard of safety for your students and families, we still must remain vigilent.


Thank you for your continued cooperation and understanding, please ensure that you follow the latest updates for your Country - England, Scotland and Wales as they're maybe slight variations. If you have any questions then do not hesitate to contact me. Please ensure that all instructors in your club that teach are made aware of the above.



Stay Safe, Respect the Guidelines & See you in the Dojo






i: skifgb

t: officialskief

fb: SKIGreatBritain