On Sunday afternoon (16th April 2023) club members met at the sports hall of St Bede’s Catholic College, Bristol for an afternoon of training as part of the Wales and Southwest karate squad.

With just one week to go until the 44th Shiro Asano National Spring Karate Championships it was time to go through just what to expect on competition day. After a warm up and some brief drills we split into groups to go through kata and kumite.

Sensei Griffiths demonstrating during karate squad

Kata first for the junior grades, and a chance to run through the kata themselves and tidy up any last-minute technical points. As a first-time competitor, having Sensei Steve explain the competition etiquette was essential – what the lead judge would say, how to come on to and leave the tatami and exactly when all six (I think!) bows are supposed to happen. By this point huge technical improvements are unlikely, and there are the effects of being in a different room and having a competitor alongside you to manage. Steve reminded us to ignore the other person, don’t get drawn into their pace, focus on owning our kata.

Then swapping with the senior grades we headed over to Nick for kumite practice. Whilst one pair was fighting the rest of us marked the corners of the mat and watched for any scoring strikes. I was relieved not to be competing at kumite next Sunday, but it was good to be obliged to leave my comfort zone and just have a go. I got hit (politely) by John and (a different) Nick, but was happy enough to have made another baby step of progress with minimal panic this time. All respect to those getting ready to fight on the 23rd!

As well as the actual karate, it was good to have clubmates that usually train on different days all together in the one place, and to have Sensei Dave, Nick and Judy over from Wales. Good also to share the focus of the upcoming competition, and to have a sense of being a team in an individual sport.

Sensei Griffiths and Nick demonstrating reverse punch

Thanks as ever to the Senseis for sharing their hard-earned wisdom so generously, and here’s looking forward to watching everyone do their thing in Nottingham.


Rita in Kamae (fighting stance)
Jodan zuki (head punch)